Projects, Electrical

Fixing An Old Sharpie Sharpener

By: Jacob Dennon    Date: April 16th, 2023

I recently bought an old iconic brown sharpie shapener from Goodwill. Too bad it was broken, though. So instead of throwing it away, I decided to try and fix it(and maybe scavenge the motor).

What a classic...
Old Brown.

This turned out to be a really simple fix. After taking the cover off, it become obvious that the problem was one of two things. It was either the shoddy wire connection held together by electrical tape, or the gears were just too dirty. I was just hoping there wasn’t a problem with the internals of the motor. In that case, the solution would’ve been much more complicated.

Nice wiring job.
Nice wiring job.
Shavings + Oil
Shavings + Oil

Luckily for me, the solution was simple enough. After cleaning the gears, I removed the electrical tape and soldered the wires together.


After that, I put everything back together, plugged in the sharpener, and it worked! Simple as!